
The growing of the Bartoschewitz Meteorite Collection is due to an intensive international exchange of information and material and a result of the worldwide acceptance from famous research instituts and museums. The research led to about 1200 new meteorites (nearly 2% of all known and more than 4 % of all non-antarctic meteorites) accepted by the Meteorite Nomenclature Committee at time and further 60 meteoritical publications.

Among them are the lunar meteorites JaH 838, Shisr 162 and SaU 300, and the martian meteorites DaG 876 and SaU 150.

Microprobe Univ. Kiel

JOEL JXA 8900 R microprobe

Meteoritical Bulletin:

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German Meteorites

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Gifhorn - regional geoscientific work






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