
The meteorite collection found its beginning in 1980. It has been extending by exchanges, purchases, presents, and finds; sientific work has been supporting the growth. Today it belongs to the 4 largest meteorite collection of Germany, after the University of Münster,  the Humboldt-University, and the Max-Planck-Institut; world-wide there are about 15 larger collections in museums and instituts.

Beside the meteorites a collection of tektites, shock-metamorphic and impact rocks were built:

Meteorites are rocks of our solar system. An increasing number of new extraterrestrial rock types were discovered due to intensive searches in "meteorite bearing" areas. So it is a duty for each meteoritic scientist not only to work in rocks from foreign planets and moons, asteroids and comets, but also from our planet earth as part of the solar system. From this intension results a also collection of terrestrial rocks:

The meteorite collection was born from a mineral collection, which was started in 1973:

Exchanges are welcome! Material from all collections available!

For trade/sale, please ask latest list!

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